Current studies at Teign Estuary Medical Group
Updated 18/01/2023
Click on the name of the study to open the Study page
- Actively recruiting select cohort of patients
- Investigating whether sodium chloride via a nebuliser can help COPD patients bring up phlegm and reduce the number of chest infections, compared with taking carbocisteine. In addition to breathing exercises.
- Patients with COPD who have not
- had antibiotics or steroids prescribed in the last 30 days,
- prescribed carbocisteine / mucoactive drugs / sodium chloride nebules in the last 90 days
- do not live in a care home / housebound, and do not have a cognitive impairment.
PROTECT (Platform for Research Online to Investigate Cognition and Genetic in Ageing)
- Actively recruiting
- Online questionnaire and “brain test”, access to brain training games designed to maintain brain health in adults.
- Optional DNA (saliva) sample
SPOCC Study (Help us to spot cancer early: An interview study to explore your experiences)
- Actively recruiting select cohort of patients via mailout invite
- Identifying patients with existing comorbidities who are at higher risk of developing cancer
- Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, by invitation only
- Actively recruiting
- 8-point checklist to be completed when undertaking a 6–8-week baby checks
- Actively recruiting
- Comparing the effectiveness of low dose amitriptyline Vs placebo, for prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia (pain post shingles infection) at 90 days.
- Patients ages 50+, shingles, rash onset of <144hrs / 6 days, has capacity and suitable for amitriptyline
Zeus (in partnership with Torbay Hospital Cardiology Department)
- Actively recruiting
- Identification and mailout, patient self-refer to Torbay Cardiology Research Team
- CKD stage 3 or 4 with evidence of ASCVD
- Evaluating a new drug for its ability to treat inflammation and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and death from cardiovascular events
- Actively recruiting Closes to recruitment 31st January 2023
- Experiences of healthcare appointments in practices with Paramedics Vs those without
- Questionnaire text / emailed to patients and results collated by the study team
- Follow up phase although may reopen to new recruits
- Aspirin to target arterial events in patients with kidney disease
E.mbrace UTI (in partnership with the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital)
- Actively recruiting
- Trial vaccination for the prevention / reduction in UTIs in patients 60+ who have had recurrent urinary infections
- Follow up phase
- Whether an App or Text reminders improve medication adherence for patients with hypertension, and therefore improves blood pressure control
- National service that allows anyone over the age of 18 to register their interest in taking part in dementia research studies.