Glendevon Medical Centre

Riverside Surgery

Non-NHS services

Private Medicals and Services

Our GPs do offer private medicals for employment, such as HGV, Taxi and Sea Farers Medicals but this is at their own discretion and each request goes through the GP first before booking.

For more information please call the surgery.

Please note there is a charge for any Non-NHS work and this may vary depending on the request, guide prices are outlined below.


Private consultations & investigations

Private prescription £35
Private sick note / fitness to work £40
Phlebotomy (blood test)

Plus additional charge per test – Determined by Torbay Hospital, in the region of £25-£50/test

£40 per consultation


Cost of tests must be paid in full before appointment

Private GP Consultation (15 minutes) £70
Private GP Consultation (30 minutes) £138
Private Nurse Consultation (15 minutes) £35


Letters & certificates of fact

To Whom It May Concern (TWIMC) £40 minimum
Attendance for school activities £40
Health club letter £40
Housing / social / benefit claims £35
Straightforward certificate of fact £40
More complex certificate of fact £65
Legal aid letter £50.40 (standard fee)
Fitness to travel (no examination) £40
Freedom from infection certificate £40 + investigation fees if required

Firearms Application and medical record review                       £95

Medical examinations

Taxi / HGV medical/report £100 – £150
Sea Farers medical/report £100 – £150
Employment medical/report £100 – £150
OFSTED childminder report £91
Whiplash reports  (first consultation following RTA) £180
Adoption medical £73.86 (standard fee)
Capacity assessment (for wills / Power of Attorney) £85 single or £150 pair


Insurance reports

Insurance proposal (life insurance, critical illness etc) Report without examination £100 – £160
GP supplementary report (additional information) £50
Holiday cancellation £60 – £80
Sickness / accident benefit claim form £60 – £100
School fees claim form £60


Medical records

Duplicate copy of computerised records £35 minimum
Duplicate copy of paper records £80 minimum
These charges are not for access to the information, but for the time taken for them to be fully reviewed, redacted (if necessary) and copied, where the records have already been supplied under the GDPR Act 2018.

Prices indicated are from 20th May 2024, and these are a guide price. 

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 20th May, 2024